Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Berkenalan dengan si SEXY Drupal dan DrupalER

Drupal Indonesia [ada di Surabaya sech] mengadakan Gath #1 dengan TITLE "Berkenalan dengan si SEXY Drupal dan DrupalER"

dengan acara ini diharapkan semuanya baik yang sudah mengenal DRUPAL maupun yang belum mengenal [klw ndak kenal sama sekali sech .. . kecem bangetsz. . ^_^]

acara yang diadakan pada :
hari minggu
tanggal 3 februari 2013
jam 9:00 WIB
bertempat di pakis tirtosari 18/19, Surabaya [bisa juga dipindahkan ketempat lain untuk penyesuaikan]

dengan pemateri mr AGUS [Bacok aja di . . . yang ndak punya KATANA bisa sewa para BACOOKersz]

Berkenalan yuksz .. dengan DRUPAL si CMS yang SEXY.

Yang ndak mengenal siapa itu DRUPAL, ndak masalah koq. . . DRUPAL akan mengenalkan Dirinya Sendiri kepada Kalian semua. .

Datang dan Rame-kan yaaAaA. . . ndak ada LHO .. . ndak RAMEEE...

Ada sesi photo and maem2 juga lhoo [klw yg bertempatan nyediain yaa GRATIS. . .klw ndak . . . hhmmm... masih ada sesi maem2 . . . tapi bayar dewe2 .. . xixix KIDDING ^_^].

semoga dengan acara GATHering #1 ini . . . bisa menghasilkan GATHering #2, #3 dan seterusnya. .. ^_^

da itu dulu dech .. . capek nulisnya. . ^_^



Learning By DOING
Girilaya Real Groups
Tempat BackLINK Iklan
GET New and Fresh High PR Backlink DoFollow on

Tuesday, 29 January 2013 Pabrik Kereta Mini No 1. Ready Stock Pabrik Kereta Mini No 1. Ready Stock -
Girilaya Real Groups pada kesempatan kali ini akan mereview " Pabrik Kereta Mini No 1. Ready Stock". merupakan sebuah perusahaan produsen pembuatan kereta mini dan mainan hiburan anak yang menyediakan aneka ainan untuk wahana wisata hiburan anak murah yaitu Kereta Mini. Kereta Mini membuat heppy anak - anak, produk kami sudah tersebar di seluruh Indonesia:
* Aceh * Langsa * Binjai * Medan * Tanjung Balai * Aekenopan * Tarutung * Payakumbuh * Padang * Solok * Pekanbaru * Bangkinang * Batam * Tanjung Pinang * Bangka * Bukit Tinggi * Bagansiapi-api * Palembang * Baturaja * Jakarta * Tangerang * Bekasi * Bogor * Bandung * Subang * Cilacap * Banyumas * Batang * Klaten * Sragen * Solo * Semarang * Banaran * Karanganyar * Ponorogo * Madiun * Ngawi * Kediri * Blitar * Surabaya * Sidoarjo * Mojokerto * Kalimantan * Sulawesi * Irian Jaya * Dll


Keretamini merupakan perusahaan yang professional dalam bidangnya. Pelayanan yang sangat bagus serta memiliki pandangan yang bagus dimata masyarakat. Keretemini tidak hanya bergerak dibidang produsen kereta mini, tetapi juga sebagai suplier kereta mini, yang siap menirim ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

Keretemini menjual kereta mini dengan berbagai pilihan untuk anda. Kereta mini ini terdiri dari Kereta Mini Motor dan Kereta Mini Rel serta tersedia bentuk rel yang beraneka rel dengan bentuk kacamata dan standar, atau bentuk yang mengitari taman. Keretamini menjamin Anda akan puas membeli Kereta mini kami karena produk kami adalah produk terbaik dan terpercaya.

CV. A n u g r a h J a y a
Kantor : Jl.Raya Dungus 78,
Mojopurno RT 2 (Depan POLSEK Wungu) Madiun
Tlp : (0351) 494074
Hp : 08125931461
: 085790544218
Email :
Pemilik : Sugiyanto didesain dengan menggunakan CMS dengan hasil sebagai berikut :
PR = 1
Alexa Rank = 6.661.033
Google Index = 617
Yahoo Index = 2
Bing Index = 2
Yandex Index = 105
Yahoo BL = n/a
Referring domains = 464
Majestic BL = 8.657
Alexa BL = 315

dengan hasil pencarian yang terbesar dan terus naik menggunakan kata2

1    3.69%
2    kereta mini murah    1.82%
3    balon circus    1.62%
4    kereta thomas gajah    1.34%
5    1.00%
6    0.58%
7    jual kereta mini    0.54%
8    jual kereta jalan raya    0.51%
9    kereta motor    0.51%
10    kereta anak anak    0.51%

dengan hasil pencarian yang terbesar dan terus menurun menggunakan kata2
1    kereta mini            41.34%
2            14.54%
3    kereta mini murah    5.57%
4    kereta thomas gajah    4.09%
5    3.01%
6    kereta mainan            1.81%
7    1.74%

Sekian dulu dech. .. capek nulisnya. . . Ngece

ditulis oleh

nb :. Situs ini tidak akan diikutkan KONSTES SEO " Pabrik Kereta Mini No 1. Ready Stock"

Learning By DOING
Girilaya Real Groups
Tempat BackLINK Iklan
GET New and Fresh High PR Backlink DoFollow on

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Nissan Bandung

Nissan bandung kini hadir dengan konsep "Showroom On Line" Dimana Saya Coba sajikan Informasi yeng lebih Fresh, Kreatif, Inofatif Serta Informatif.

Saya harap dengan di rancangnya "Showroom On line" ini. Dapat membantu anda untuk mendapatkan semua informasi yang di butuhkan untuk mengetahui Produk-Produk Mobil Nissan diantaranya: Nissan Evalia, Nissan Murano, Nissan Juke, Nissan March, Nissan New Grand Livina, Nissan Livina X-Gear, Nissan X Trail 2012, Nissan Serena, Nissan Elgrand, Nissan Teana, Nissan Navara Sport Version, dan juga informasi mengenai Spesifikasi Nissan, Aksesoris Nissan, Asuransi, Bengkel, Paket Kredit Leasing & Daftar Harga Nissan Bandng.

Dengan dirancangnya "Shoroom Online" ini mudah-mudahan bisa di jadikan bahan referensi bagi konsumen Nissan Dalam melakukan pembelian produk Nissan.
Nissan bandung berdiri diantara dealer pusat otomotif yaitu di Jalan Haji Amir Mahmud Cimahi, Bandung.

Penjualan untuk perorangan (retail), maupun perusahaan (fleet)
Penjualan Tunai maupun Kredit (dengan bunga bersaing).
Tukar Tambah semua Merk Mobil lama Anda dengan harga tinggi.
Request Brosur, Booking Test Car
Perpanjangan Asuransi Lama dan Asuransi Baru (yang ringan dan terjamin).
ERA 24 (yang siap membantu anda)

Untuk info lebih lanjut, hubungi :
Line Marketing: 022 764 1111 9 , 022 928 1111 9
Hot line GSM : 08 212 698 2119.
BB 2975 99A9
Fax: 022 5209744
Up. Badru Zaman

Selengkapnya di

TERANET Warnet Pelopor 2012 - 2013

TeraNET iku pancen ciamik reksz... wesz dadi idaman 2013 saiki yo ise bertahan jadi pelopor 2012 - 2013 . . .Warnete komplit serba ada, onok keyboard, CPU, Monitor LCD, Mouse [^_^ ada WebCAM, Head Set juga lho. . ] kalau pingin minta nomor Telp yang njaga juga boleh . . GRATISSSS. . . xixixixi. . .  seng penting seng NJOGO wonge sangar. jarene Survey . . . seng njogo Warnet jenenge Junaedi Tole [senengane Tole Tole paleng  ^_^ PEACE]. 

iki jarene Survey lhoo. .. arek iku [mz Junaedi] paling NGUWANTENG #2. .  tentu ae seng panling GUWANTENG #1 iku yoo seng Nulis reksz [kenalken nami kulo Mandala Putra Dwi Admaja . . .  cukup panggil saya dengan mz DWI KEREN dan GANTENG #1] ^_^

da itu dulu dech. . .  klw penasaran ama WarNET [atw yang NJAGA] . . Silakan dateng langsung di DESA TENNGGULUNAN. atau langsung VIA CALL and SMS di 082140046436. ada jasa KONSULTASI juga lhoo ^_^

Backlink dari Girilaya Real Groups

Friday, 18 January 2013

Google Adwords – How to Increase Your Quality Score | Girilaya Real Groups

Google Adwords – How to Increase Your Quality ScoreQuality score has a dramatic effect on your keywords cost per click and position in the search results.

Our customers, many of who invest thousands (£) in 'Pay-Per-Click' campaigns, are often mystified by how their quality scores are calculated and seek our advice on Pay-Per-Click-Management.

The purpose therefore of this article is to demystify Google's quality score algorithm, with a real-world example, including 10 ways in which you too could improve your quality score.

As most of us know, Google's quality score ranges from 1 to 10, 10 being the highest. The higher the score, the lower the cost per click. You could argue that this isn't the granular information you need, but it has been a great help for those trying to diagnose why their PPC bids are so high.

Towards the tail end of 2012, a new client who sought advice on lowering their minimum cost per click approached us. The brief was to reach a wider audience, achieve a higher click-through and ultimately increase their Google Adwords ROI.

Due to a healthy profit margin, our client was already experiencing a generous ROI using Adwords, however their quality score was low and they realised they could do a lot better.

On average, their minimum CPC was £1.60 across three ad groups. Each Ad Group had 80 keywords. Upon examination, we could see that almost 80% of their keywords had a "Poor" quality score. Hypothetically, lets say our client sold "DVD's".

Here are 10 things we did to help them from a Google Adwords and SEO perspective:


1. Smaller more targeted Ad Groups
Downloading and installing Google Adwords editor, we were then able to use the in built keyword grouper tool, grouping keywords into 10 groups of 24 targeted and related keywords.

For example:
a. buy DVD's
b. exchange DVD's
c. what is a DVD
d. buy DVD's online


2. Focused advert content for each group
We then wrote specific and relevant ad content (words) for each keyword group using the common product name "DVD's" What's important to note with the advert is that the keyword (DVD) is used in the advert title, content and display URL. This is common across ALL ads. As an aside, it's worth pointing out that the display URL does not need to match the actual URL.

3. Optimised Content & Call to Action
For each group, we created 4 targeted ads, using different hooks and calls to action. To accurately monitor and test which adverts perform the best, we turned "Ad rotation" off. Over the course of 10 days we monitored which advert performed the best, then deleted the others. The next stage was to then work on variations of the selected advert, which would improve the "click through rate" even further. Another two weeks and it was clear to see which was the better performing ad. Over a four week period, the overall campaign click through rate was up.


4. Broad, Phrase or Exact Matching Options
When they initially approached us, our client was exclusively using "broad match" for all keywords across each campaign. For each keyword, we added "exact match" and "phrase match" counter-parts to each ad group. Once this had bedded down, we chose which of the three (broad, exact or phrase match) had a better "quality score" and lower minimum "cost per click", then deleted the other two matching options. Overall, "exact match" won in the majority of comparisons.


5. Deep Backlink Building
Contextual backlinks to the client's ecommerce site help the "quality score". We therefore ran a manual deep link building campaign using the highest performing keywords (Volume & Conversion Rate). It is also important to note that these same links will also fuel and significantly improve future SEO campaigns.

6. General Housekeeping
It is often overlooked but sitemaps are still vital if search engines are to find and rank pages. We therefore created and submitted a sitemap to Google and Bing. On a more general note, we made the site semantically coded, corrected navigational issues and linked key pages (privacy policy, terms & conditions and about us) from the footer.

7. Multi-Variant Landing Pages
"Google Content Experiments" allowed us to test how well different versions of our customers pages worked in getting visitors to purchase products. We were able to test up to five variations of a specific page to see which drove the most conversions. We cannot stress the importance of conversion testing enough.


8. Meta, Meta, Meta
Contrary to popular misconception, don't under estimate the importance and effectiveness of on-page "Meta Data". Not only did we add the best performing keywords to the Meta tags on each page but also the text from the best performing advert was inserted in to Meta description. In addition, the best performing and most descriptive keyword was used as the title tag.

9. On Page Content
The best performing keywords and phrases from Google Adwords were injected in to the on-page content of the linked landing pages. Most in to the first sentence or paragraph of the page.

10. Google Relevancy
Using the Google Adwords Keywords Tool we made sure that Google recognised each landing page was related to the targeted keywords. Following a little "tweaking", Google saw each landing page was related to the keywords we used.


Over a four week period, we witnessed the Quality Score for 65% of the keywords go from "Below Average" to "Above Average" and the minimum CPC cost down by a staggering 900% across the board (for example, was £0.40p down to £0.4p).

Sumber :

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Aneka display - Kalung, anting, cincin & gelang - Bahan bludru

Pengrajin : pembuatan dan perbaikan Display Perhiasan Emas / Perak ( Terutama Bermacam-Macam Baki ). Pembuatan bermacam macam hiasan berbahan dasar Akrelik
workshop : Jl Banyu Urip kidul 1 A No. 2, Surabaya

Menerima Pesanan dalam bentuk Eceran dan Partai
Semua Harga Boleh "NEGO"

GLK = Gelang Kaku
Harga kisaran :

  • GLK 1 tingkat = Rp. 13.000
  • GLK 2 tingkat = Rp. 18.000
  • GLK 3 tingkat = Rp. 25.000

Aksessoris Gelang Kaku 1
Spesifikasi :
Diameter = 5 cm
  • panjang GLK 1 = 20 cm
  • panjang GLK 2 = 24 cm
  • panjang GLK 3 = 28 cm

TELP : 031 562 18 45 | 031 77 22 33 28 | 081 703 866 800 
Aksessoris Gelang Kaku Murah
Masih tersedia produk lainnya, seperti : memberikan info Assesories Display Gelang Kabulon Murah Warna Hitam Merah 2012 Rating: 998574 LocatorURL: Cipta Karya Surbaya |
Reviewer: Index of/ | Cipta Karja Jewelry ItemReviewed: Assesories Display Gelang Kabulon Murah Warna Hitam Merah 2012 CanonURL:

Monday, 14 January 2013

Combine Facebook Page with Twitter is Very Userfull Business Online

Forum Girilaya Real Groups

Discuss : How Important Is Facebook to Your Business and How Much Business is Generated (approximately)?

I just read a really interesting post about the number of times someone posts to their FB page and so I'm curious. How much of your business is generated through FB? And do you consider it a significant marketing resource for your Etsy business (or business overall)?

I have barely, if any, hits from Facebook so I really don't utilize it that much. in the future I will probably look into setting something up but I'm trying to build my customer base as much as I can for now.

I love having my Facebook page. I post fairly often, almost everyday, and I try to post pictures of things I'm working on in various stages, articles I think might be interesting to my followers, as well as new listings. It gives me a chance to show more of myself and my work and create a dialogue with people who are interested in my work. Some people turn out to be customers, some just enjoy watching the process, and maybe are artists themselves. I think it is a great tool.

FB hasn't been a big draw to my shop, but you never know. I post new items there and a pics or information from others that I find interesting or cute on my page.

I ran a very successful ad on Facebook in November. Picked up a lot of new fans & sold a few thousand dollars of clocks. It didn't do anything for my Etsy shop, but I'm ok with that. I'm the one that posted the thread you mentioned.

Mix Ur personal page with business and have found that if I post something once a day or so as I list it or price it, most of my friends will at least take a look at what I am doing. Plus it has allowed some customers to become friends which makes things even better.

I have had mixed results from Facebook as well. Good activity to start with but recently it has been on the decline. I think it may have been due to the recent change in the way Facebook lets people view your information.

You must have a personal page (where you invite friends etc) and the biz page let's people "like" you. I have both but pretty much just interact with people on my personal page. We talk life, sports, etc and then I throw a couple of links on there showing what I am doing either online or at the store. It is a good mix of business and pleasure… it doesn't feel so much like work.

Most of my FB fans are actually just my real life friends; they make me feel better about being an artist even when I feel bad about having a sales slump. I enjoy at least being able to share new work and getting instant feedback. As for actual sales conversions – probably less than 5 %.

I think if you enjoy being on Facebook (and I have my moments where I am ready to shut it down) then it makes sense to let your friends know you have a business.  But if Facebook isn't something you like I don't think it is by any means a "required" tool for advertising that you can't survive without. Twitter is another tool that the same can be said for.

I have picked up a good # of fans on FB and I enjoy posting there about once a week. I think it helps my business a bit and I know it has generated some sales, but mostly I think of it as fun. I limit my posts to new products or changes at my studio. I tried a cheap ad there last fall and I did get some new fans, but I don't think it was worth it for me.

Source : Girilaya Real Groups

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Germans Won’t See Music on YouTube and GEMA Any Time

Forum Girilaya Real Groups

Germans have the misfortune of living in a country where YouTube (basically) has no music. Maybe that's actually a good thing, on some level, making it possible for everything else on YouTube to thrive.

In any case, there's no chance of that changing anytime soon as talks between Google, which owns YouTube, and GEMA, the German music licensing group, broke down, once again.

Gema, like many other music licensing groups, is supposed to have the artists' interests in mind and get paid whenever the music it handles is played somewhere.
But like most of these groups, the artists are the ones getting hurt since they don't make any money and have their songs blocked.

But many of these groups aren't interested in the artists, they're interested in making money, money that more often than not doesn't even end up back with the artists, and to do that they need to squeeze everything they can.

The group asked YouTube to pay for the music video it hosts at a rate of 12 cents per stream. That's obviously unsustainable, on the verge of being ridiculous.
As a result, YouTube blocks all music videos in Germany, the ones covered by Gema at least. This has been going on for years with no end in sight.

While the two sides have been negotiating, talks are now dead. Gema is now considering other ways of getting YouTube to pay, particularly for the infringing videos uploaded by its users.
Gema also doesn't like the message German users see when trying to watch a music video claiming that it's misleading. The message says that the video in question is unavailable due to Gema's actions.

"YouTube believes that rights holders and artists should benefit from their work. We have dozens of collection society deals in place across more than 45 countries because we provide an important source of income for musicians and a platform where new artists can be discovered and promoted," Google responded to the situation.

"Music labels are generating hundreds of millions of dollars on YouTube every year. Artists, composers, authors, publishers, and record labels in Germany are missing this opportunity as a result of GEMA's decisions," it added.

"We remain committed to finding a solution with GEMA compatible with YouTube's business model so that we can again provide a source of revenue for musicians and a vibrant platform for music lovers in Germany," it said.

Sumber :

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Review : 19 situs Power Backlink Andalanku.Com

Percaya atau tidak percaya akan efek dari POWER BACKLINK telah dirasakan oleh situs dimana hanya dengan hituangan hari tepatnya 15 hari, telah memiliki pertumbuhan PR ALEXA dan Majestic BackLINK yang sangat menonjol .

tanggal 25 desember 2012 dengan PR ALEXA 1.744.934 dan BL  ALEXA 39 kini pada tanggal 13 Januari 2013 telah menempati PR ALEXA 649.774 dan BL  ALEXA 102. Cukup mengesankan bukan… ^_^

Rahasia dari Laju PR yang pesat tidak jauh dari 19 Power Backlink yang berhasil GIRILAYA REAL GROUPs verifikasi. berikut adalah 19 daftar POWER BACKLINK milik

So . . .  kalau berniat mengenalkan suatu situs dengan memperbanyak backLINK, carilah POWER BACKLINK dan jangan terlalu banyak banyak dan banyak melakukan SPAM karena selain tidak disukai Search Engine juga menyebabkan tangan 'keriting' [Capek Tw]. ^_^

Team Review Girilaya Real Groups

Dwi Nur Mijayanto

More About Alexa.Com

Alexa traffic rank is based on three months of collected historical traffic data from millions users of Alexa Toolbar and is generally established as a good quality traffic barometer.

It is an incorporated measure of page views and users (reach). The three-month change is determined by comparing the site's present rank with its rank from three months ago.

Find out how your web site traffic stacks up against all your competitors! Alexa Rank Checker is one of the most accurate and freely available tools to find out how well your site ranks up against millions of other sites on the Web.

The Alexa Traffic History Graph allows you to generate a traffic history graph for any site. Alexa computes traffic rankings by analyzing the Web usage of millions of Alexa Toolbar users.

This is a ranking method set by that mainly audits and makes open the frequency of visits on Websites. The algorithm of Alexa traffic ranking is easy.

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach). As a first step, Alexa computes the reach and number of page views for all sites on the Web on a daily basis. The main Alexa traffic rank is based on the geometric mean of these two quantities averaged over time (so that the rank of a site reflects both the number of users who visit that site as well as the number of pages on the site viewed by those users). The three-month change is determined by comparing the site's current rank with its rank from three months ago. For example, on July 1, the three-month change would show the difference between the rank based on traffic during the first quarter of the year and the rank based on traffic during the second quarter.

Alexa ranking system is based on the level of traffic each web site get from the people who visit a web site with Alexa toolbar installed.

This traffic is based many parameters. Number of Alexa users who visit a special website in one day. Page view is the number of times a single page (URL) is viewed by Alexa users. If a user visits the same URL many times on the day, all those visits will be counted as one.

The Alexa ranking is got by performing the geometric mean of reach and webpage views, averaged over three months.

How Alexa Ranking Works

You have to visit site and download (install) Alexa toolbar. This toolbar mainly displays the rank of the visited web site.

It also sends data to the main server. Thus, every time you visit a Webpage, information is sent to the server representing your IP and the webpage you are visiting. The smaller the numerical ranking, the better. If you manage to make it in the top 100,000, it is a sign that your website gets quite serious traffic.

Troubles with the Alexa Rank

Alexa ranking is deeply tilted towards web sites which have many webmaster viewers. This is because web masters are much more likely to have Alexa toolbar installed. Alexa is a simple way to calculate web traffic. What's mainly important is that the Alexa Rank has become an essential factor in site monetization strategy.

Some Ways to Improve your Alexa Ranking

  1. Install Alexa toolbar.
  2. Place an Alexa rank widget on your web site.
  3. Value content attracts large audience and maintains their revisits.
  4. Encourage people to use the Alexa toolbar.
  5. Take part in many web master forums which let you place your website in your signature. Webmasters usually have the toolbar installed.
  6. Write content that is associated to webmasters.
  7. Use Alexa redirects on your web site URL. Try this:
  8. Build a webmaster tools section on your website.
  9. Make an Alexa category on your blog and use it to include news and articles about Alexa.

Alexa Ranking Tool displays a graph from Alexa comparing up to 5 sites

Instant Content, Backlinks, Relevance & Authority on 100% Autopilot | Girilaya Real Groups

Barcode Store

When Ricky PM me and telling me about his latest WP plugin, I just couldn't believe it.
This plugin is insanely genius!
Just imagine, a single plugin that can give you:

All done in just one single click of button *WAW…*

Watch the video here, and I believe, just like me, you'll be wowed too…

Obviously this plugin is great for creating new product review post, but don't worry, you can also run it in your old post to get the instant backlinks and social proof.

The other crazy thing is Ricky basically giving it away for under $10 prize tag! (y)

Remember, with this, you no longer need to pay for content, or outsource your backlinks and social signal; you'll only need this one plugin, period.

To give your post another push, I also include a bonus plugin in your download page, a social plugin called Shared To Download.

As the name suggest, your visitor need to share your post first to be able to download anything from your page.

Anyway, this plugin definitely will be added to my list of a must have plugin, and I hope it will help you and your online business too.

To your online success!

– Purwedi Kurniawan

Selengkapnya baca :

Friday, 11 January 2013

Promo habis-habisan pressure cooker diskon 20% KHUSUS HARI INI | Girilaya Real Groups

Pressure cooker lagi promo habis-habisan nih, hanya bisa didapatkan di

ODEN Houseware :



Ayo buruan pesen, promo Pressure cooker terbatas khusus tahun 2012

YM : juli.oden
Telp : 021-33998081
BBM : 2A5E49C6
Email :
Website :
Serba serbi houseware

ODEN Houseware – Head Office
Monday - Saturday; 08.00 - 18.00 WIB
Jl. Ruko Grand Galaxy City RGN-08
Telp. +62 21 33998081
Jakasetia – Bekasi Selatan
Email :
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Cara Membongkar Pasang AC

Perbaikan ac split sering dilakukan pada seluruh teknisi ac,bahkan si pemiilik juga pingin mengetahui kerusakan pada ac split tersebut,terkadang semua teknisi yang rata2 hampir semua tidak memberitahukan dulu hal tersebut pada si pemiliknya,hal ini sebenarnya sepele,tapi kenapa hal tersebut dilakukan???
How To Service Split Air Conditioner
How To Service Split Air Conditioner

Cara membongkar pasang ac split tanpa membuang freon dapat anda lakukan dengan cara sebagai berikut:
operasikan ac split, tunggu sampai indoor unit memberikan supply listrik kebagian outdoor unit.
Setelah outdoor unit dapat beroperasi pasang selang manifold yg berwarna biru pada pentil pengisian freon lalu buka mur penutup kran valve yg berukuran 1/4 dan 3/8 (untuk ac split ukuran 0,5 PK sampai 1 PK)

Setelah mur kran valve terbuka, ambil sebuah kunci L yg ukurannya sama dengan lubang kunci L yg berada pada kran valve. putar kekanan sampai habis kran valve yg ukuran 1/4 dengan kunci L sambil melihat jarum manifold tekanan rendah sampai posisi jarum manifold menyentuh angka 30" (vakum dibawah angka 0 psi).

Setelah jarum manifold tekanan rendah menyentuh angka 30" tutup kran valve ukuran 3/8 dengan kunci L kearah kanan sampai habis lalu matikan ac split segera, jangan terlalu lama. setelah ac split dimatikan, cabut steker dari aliran litrik, bila tidak menggunakan steker berarti anda harus melepaskan kabel power supply dari aliran litrik. bila anda belum terbiasa memutuskan aliran litrik pada kabel power supply, saya sarankan matikan mcb pada box pembagian litrik atau pada meteran listrik agar anda tidak tersengat aliran listrik pada saat melepaskan sambungan kabel power supply.

Setelah tidak ada aliran listrik yg mengalir pada ac split barulah anda melepaskan sambungan kabel dan nepel pada indoor dan outdoor. Setelah sambungan nepel indoor dan outdoor terlepas, pasang kembali mur penutup kran nepal dan tutup kran valve dengan solasi agar kotoran tidak dapat masuk.

Begitu juga dengan pipa yg berada pada indoor unit tutup juga dengan solasi agar kotoran tidak dapat masuk. Ujung pipa installasi ac split juga harus ditutup dengan solasi, bila anda ingin menggunakan kembali.

No telepon/fax: 0315461679 
:service | cuci ac surabaya jasa bongkar pasang perbaikan jual beli ac
Invite : 293CD330

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Chinese journalists end strike over censorship at the Southern

Chinese journalists end strike over censorship at the Southern …

Forum Girilaya Real Groups

Chinese journalists end strike over censorship at the Southern Weekly newspaper in Guangzhou – @Guardian.

Read the original:
Chinese journalists end strike over censorship at the Southern …

Backlink From DoFollow and High PR – Part 2 [Keyword : Dofollow]

Do Follow backlinks can be one of your best friends in niche marketing.  Why?  Because they can raise the rankings of your site's pages in the search engines, bringing you targetted organic traffic at zero cost per click.

There are many ways to get links from various sites. This might involve creating profiles on social media sites, to submitting to directories, but the main focus should be getting links from pages that are indexed and allow dofollow links… preferably with custom anchor text.

In order to help you along the way, here are many such sites you can submit or outright add your website to get Thousand Power Backlink.

List Backlink From DoFollow and High PR – Part 2 [Keyword : Dofollow] Selengkapnya di

Sumber :

Mencari dan Menghapus BackLINK sampah | Girilaya Real Groups

Mencari dan Menghapus BackLINK sampah

Mencari dan Menghapus BackLINK sampah

Backlink sampah begitulah saya menyebutnya, backLINK sampah adalah Backlink yang menjadi faktor utama penyebab DeINDEX atau penghapusan BLOG kita karena Algoritma Google PINGUIN terbaru seperti itu.

Silakan menyimak langsung kata kata dari EMPUnya

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Monday, 7 January 2013

jual ac bekas murah 1/2 PK 1 PK 11/2 PK surabaya | Service Ac Surabaya

Dijual AC Bekas kondisi sangat bagus 90% - 95% dengan harga super ramping (murah).
kondisi AC Masih berfungsi normal (dingin).
jual ac bekas murah 1/2 PK 1 PK 11/2 PK surabaya
ac bekas murah 1/2 PK 1 PK 11/2 PK surabaya


Kami selalu memberikan GARANSI kepada Customer kami.

CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi
Jl. Wonorejo 3/120, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500

Saturday, 5 January 2013

service cuci ac garansi seumur Freon Ac

Pasang Ac Split Surabaya | Jasa Service Ac | Service Ac Surabaya Adalah Cv.Anugerah Teknik Abadi
Cv.Anugerah Teknik Abadi Adalah perusahaan dibidang jasa service perbaikan pengadaan ac baru maintenance perawatan Elektrik Instalasi.

Mengerjakan Pemasangan Ac Baru & lama,Bongkar Pasang Ac,Bongkar Ac,Pindah lokasi ac,Service Ac,Perawatan Ac,Maintenance Ac,jual Ac Baru & Bekas,Jual Beli Ac Bekas mencakup wilayah Surabaya Gedangan Sidoarjo Gresik Pandaan Pasuruan dan sesuia kebutuhan kastamer.
Service Cuci ac Surabaya Adalah Cv.Anugerah Teknik Abadi.

4.Mesin cuci
6.Ac cassette
7.Ac flour standing
9.Water heater
10 Dll

Harga kami :
Service Cuci ac standart Rp 30.000
Service Cuci ac inverter Rp 40.000
Penambahan Freon ac standart Rp 80.000
Penambahan Freon ac inverter Rp 100.000
Isi Freon inverter Rp 250.000
Bongkar/pasang Rp 125.000
Pasang ac Inverter Rp 200.000

Bila Anda butuh jasa kami segera hubungi nomor kami di bawah:  

Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500




Cab :  K.Cabang : Perum Dharma Alam blok L/no o7,Jember
          K.Cabang  : Menganti-Gresik
          K. Cabang : Sidoarjo

Kantor Pusat : Jl Wonorejo 3 / 120,Surabaya ( Daerah Pasar kembang )

SELAMAT DATANG di Silakan bersenang2 dengan memanfaatkan semua Fitur yang kami punya. Fitur yang kami ANDALkan adalah Fitur SUBSCRIBE, yang secara otomatis memPROMOSIkan post Threads anda ke Ratusan situs2 kami dengan GRATIS alias FREE tanpa susah Submit ke situs2 Promosi lainnya.

Anda bisa menggunakan Forum ini sebagai IKLAN BARIS anda. | Silakan melakukan Promosi Informasi sebesar-besarnya, anda tidak akan merugi telah Gabung dengan Girilaya Real Groups.

Untuk beberapa hal akan dibahas di

Friday, 4 January 2013

Keywords : air conditioning replacement

About Keyword, CVATA give You Air Conditioning Replacement keywords Now , we can write with this Title for our Article.

air conditioning
the air conditioner

Keywords : air conditioning replacement
SPONSOR-Keywords : air conditioning replacement
air conditioner
air conditioners
air condition
air con
hvac air conditioning
air conditioning units
air conditioning unit
air conditioner units

air conditioner unit
portable air conditioner
air conditioner portable
portable air conditioning
air conditioning portable
air conditioning repair

repair air conditioning
air conditioning system
system air conditioning
air conditioners portable
portable air conditioners
air conditioner repair
repair air conditioner
window air conditioner
air conditioner window
air handling unit

Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500




Cab :  K.Cabang : Perum Dharma Alam blok L/no o7,Jember
          K.Cabang  : Menganti-Gresik
          K. Cabang : Sidoarjo

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Service Ac Surabaya

Service Ac Surabaya,Service kulkas Surabaya,Service Mesin cuci Surabaya,Service Dispenser Surabaya,Service Freezer Surabaya,Service Showcase Surabaya,Service Cooler Surabaya,Service Ciller Surabaya,Cuci Ac Surabaya,Bongkar Pasang Ac Surabaya,Pasang Ac Surabaya,Jual Beli Ac bekas Surabaya dan jual Ac Baru Surabaya,Terima Ac Bekas Surabaya,Layanan Service Ac,Kulkas,Mesin Cuci,Dispenser,Freezer,,Showcase,Cooler,Ciller,Pusat Layanan Service Ac,Kulkas,Mesin cuci,Dispenser,Freezer,Showcase,cooler,Ciller,bongkar ac surabaya,Perawatan Ac Surabaya,Maintenance Ac Surabaya,Jasa service,cuci,pasang baru,bongkar ac lama,pindah lokasi tempat,pasang ac lama,bongkar pasang,perbaikan Ac surabaya.penambahan freon,Pengisian freon,tukar tambah ac lama,perbaikan ac bocor air,ganti remotte universal,ganti sersor ac,perbaikan modul ac,modul kulkas,modul kulkas diganti kemanual,Pusat Service Ac, Ac,Kulkas,Mesin cuci,Dispenser,Freezer,Showcase,cooler,Ciller,hari minggu,khusus hari minggu,Pusat service ac,ac murah,Service Ac24 jam nonstop.

Service Ac Surabaya
Service Ac Surabaya
service kulkas pintu 1&2 surabaya,service freezer surabaya,service kulkas pintu 2 surabaya,service freezer box surabaya,service showcase/cooler/ciller surabaya,service/perbaikan ac bocor air surabaya,service/perbaikan ac bocor freon surabaya,service/perbaikan ac tidak dingin surabaya,service/perbaikan/cuci ac surabaya,service/perbaikan ac bunyi surabaya,service/perbaikan ac mati-mati surabaya,service/perbaikan ac tidak bisa diremote surabaya,service/perbaikan ac lampu depan kedip-kedip surabaya,service/perbaikan ac kurang dingin surabaya,service/perbaikan ac panas surabaya

Bila anda membutuhkan kami Segerah Hubungi kami :

No telepon/fax: 0315461679 
:service | cuci ac surabaya jasa bongkar pasang perbaikan jual beli ac
Invite : 293CD330

> Jasa service kami Bergaransi
> Harga terjangkau
> On time 24 Jam Nonstop
> Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali/bila kembali masih tanggungan kami selama barang anda perawatan selamanya dari kami.

Jasa Service AC Murah Berkualitas Di Surabaya

Cv.Anugerah Teknik Abadi Adalah serviceac-surabaya com teknikac com infoac info.
Service ac surabaya termurah service ac surabaya murah service ac surabaya barat service ac jasa service ac service elektronik harga service ac  Service ac pasang ac ac portable bongkar ac bongkar pasang perbaikan ac kulkas mesin cuci dispenser water heater showcase ciller freezer box ac baru lama pendingin dll

Bila anda butuh kami segera hubungi nomor kami di bawah service kami wilayah surabaya gedangan sidoarjo
Jasa Service AC Murah Berkualitas Di Surabaya
Jasa Service AC Murah Berkualitas Di Surabaya

Harga kami :
Cuci ac standart Rp 30.000
Cuci ac inverter Rp 40.000
Penambahan Freon ac standart Rp 80.000
Penambahan Freon ac inverter Rp 100.000
Isi Freon inverter Rp 250.000
Bongkar/pasang Rp 125.000

Antara lain kami juga menangani :

4.Mesin cuci
6.Ac cassette
7.Ac flour standing
9.Water heater
10 Dll

  Cab :  K.Cabang : Perum Dharma Alam blok L/no o7,Jember
             K.cabang  : Menganti-Gresik
             K. Cabang : Sidoarjo

Kantor Pusat : Jl Wonorejo 3 / 120,Surabaya ( Daerah Pasar kembang )


KP : JL.Wonorejo 3/120,Surabaya

Telp/Fax: 031-5461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500





Jenis-jenis Air Conditioner (AC)

Description: Jenis-jenis Air Conditioner (AC) Rating: 5 Reviewer: Index of/ ItemReviewed: Jenis-jenis Air Conditioner (AC)
kali ini Service AC Surabaya Anugerah Teknik Abadi akan memberikan informasi yang sangat berguna bagi anda yang baru mengenal AC / Air Conditioner, yaitu informasi mengenai jenis-jenis AC yang ada disekitar kita.
1. AC Window
2. AC Split
3. AC Caset
4. AC Split Dack
5. AC Package
6. AC Floor
7. AC Sentral
8. AC Cooling Tower

Semoga dengan info ini, kita bisa mengenal dan bisa membedakan daripadanya.


Dwi Nur Mijayanto 

Hubungi Cv. Anugerah Teknik Abadi

Alamat JL.Wonorejo 3 no. 120
Lingkungan Service Ac Surabaya
Kota Surabaya
Provinsi Jawa Timur
Kode Pos 60254
No telepon
Telp/fax: 0315461679
Kategori service ac surabaya jasa bongkar pasang perbaikan jual beli ac

P I N : 293CD330
Service Ac Surabaya
SELAMAT DATANG di Silakan bersenang2 dengan memanfaatkan semua Fitur yang kami punya. Fitur yang kami ANDALkan adalah Fitur SUBSCRIBE, yang secara otomatis memPROMOSIkan post Threads anda ke Ratusan situs2 kami dengan GRATIS alias FREE tanpa susah Submit ke situs2 Promosi lainnya.

Anda bisa menggunakan Forum ini sebagai IKLAN BARIS anda. | Silakan melakukan Promosi Informasi sebesar-besarnya, anda tidak akan merugi telah Gabung dengan Girilaya Real Groups.

Untuk beberapa hal akan dibahas di

Service Ac Murah Bergaransi

Akira, Chang Hong, Dast, Gree, LG, Mitsubishi, Samsung, Sanken, Sanyo, Sharp, TCL, Toshiba, Panasonic, Polytron,nyunday,national dan lain2nya

KOMITMEN "CV.ANUGERAH TEKNIK ABADI" Akan mengatasi pemasangan AC anda yang bermasalah sampai tuntas dan bergaransi selama ac anda dalam perawatan kami,harganyapun murah dibandingkan yang lain,kalo anda tidak percaya


Service Ac Murah Bergaransi
TIM Service Ac Murah Bergaransi
Harga kami terjangkau,jangan sampai tertipu dengan harga murah dan pasti akan menyesal dibelakang

> Jasa Pasang / service kami Bergaransi
> Harga terjangkau
> On time 24 Jam Nonstop
> Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali

Harga Pasang bekas / baru @ 100.000-125.000
Harga Bongkar @ 50.000-100.000

Jangan ragukan kami juga menangani service/perawatan semua merk
2.Freezer box
4.Mesin cuci


Kantor Pusat:

CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi
Jl. Wonorejo 3/120, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Telp/Fax : 031-5461679
Telp Flexi : 031-70810312,77249919,91034366
Mobile : 081230032651,085732366634,083847110199,087855533538

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Service / Pasang AC Bergaransi

pasang ac | pasang ac mobil | pasang ac rumah | jasa pasang ac | harga pasang ac | cara pasang ac baru | bongkar pasang ac | cara pasang ac baru | cara pasang ac split | biaya pasang ac | cara pasang ac inverter | pasang ac apv | pasang ac double blower | pasang extra fan ac |
 Kami Terima Repair/Perbaikan AC Bergransi
Service / Pasang AC Bergaransi
Service / Pasang AC Bergaransi di TELKOM

1.Bila Ac anda mengalami tidak dingin
2.Bila Ac Anda bocor Air lewat depan
3.Bila Kompresor bunyi berisik/terlalu keras
4.Bila Ac anda mati-mati
5.Bila Ac Anda tidak bisa di remot
6.Bila Ac Anda lampu depan kedip-kedip
7.Bila Ac Anda kadang dingin kadang tidak dingin
8.Dan lain-lain sekiranya ada hubunganya dengan pendingin Anda

Kami bukan hanya Ac saja,kami juga bisa menangani Pendingin yang berkapasitas besar juga Antara lain:
1.Cool storage
2.AC cassette
3.AC central
4.AC ciller
5.Flour standing

Juga menangani:
4.Mesin cuci
5.Pompa Air

KP : JL.Wonorejo 3/120,Surabaya
telp/fax: 031-5461679
flxi :031-70810312
gsm : 081230032651,085732366634

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SELAMAT DATANG di Silakan bersenang2 dengan memanfaatkan semua Fitur yang kami punya. Fitur yang kami ANDALkan adalah Fitur SUBSCRIBE, yang secara otomatis memPROMOSIkan post Threads anda ke Ratusan situs2 kami dengan GRATIS alias FREE tanpa susah Submit ke situs2 Promosi lainnya.

Anda bisa menggunakan Forum ini sebagai IKLAN BARIS anda. | Silakan melakukan Promosi Informasi sebesar-besarnya, anda tidak akan merugi telah Gabung dengan Girilaya Real Groups.

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